Just had a pretty big downswing session. 3788$ over 2k hands. I think I played well though, I'll go over my hands here as a form of review.
big potA somewhat standard spot. I reraise light vs an aggresive opener and get cold called from the BB. I decide to cbet to try and get him off over overcards and small PPs. This is the only marginal spot I can find in this hand. I bet 74$ to win 114$ meaning that he should fold the flop: x*114+(1-x)*(-74)=0
39% of the time for the play to be break even, so I don't mind it. I think the turn bet could be a bit bigger so I can get the money in more easily on the river. Evaluating his play, I think his hand can be tricky to play and I don't mind his cold call given our stack sizes and his position. The river is a very close spot, but I don't think I am valuebetting worse here given our dynamics.
reg on regAnother standard hand I think. Villain plays it straightforward and avoids tough decisions which I think is a fine play here.
good tableNeedless to say I think villains play is terrible, but I am not complaining.
flopped the nutsI don't like the way villain played his hand. I don't think he will show a profit here very often by check calling me out of position with a 7 high flush draw. It's really hard to get paid off with flushes when you are not the one leading the betting action. I am not sure if he would have also checked had he not picked up extra outs, his standard line may be to lead the turn here unimproved. I guess he made the most of it by check raising the turn to get me off of marginal hands that I would be betting to protect but would fold to a raise. Good spot for me to be in anyways.
awkwardThis hand was a bit awkward to play. Villain is pretty solid. I don't like 4betting him here given the stack sizes, because I think it forces him to reraise with a tighter range, so I opted to call and checkraise a low flop. Since the board was really dry. I made a small checkraise to about 2.25 and he just called. On the turn I decided to represent air, but in retrospect I think I should just shove it for value from 99,TT,JJ the river is a really awkward spot, because it is hard to valuebet QQ here in my opinion. There is a small chance I am behind here to AA and KK and now also to TT. I think 99 will fold and I am only getting value from JJ. I don't know how I would have reacted to a bet, because I don't think he will be betting JJ here often enough for my call to be good. I really think I cost myself a lot of value by not betting the turn.
amusingAnother fish I found, I find it amusing that he tries to bluff me off of a hand on the river with a 75$ bet into a 314$ pot.
the biggest station I've seen so farThis guy was just completely bonkers. He was raising roughly 65% of his hands and I was cold calling a lot with decent hands in position hoping to get value from this guy. I decided to bluff raise him once on a very dry board, he snapped and insta-overbet-donk-shoved the turn for 600 into a 150 pot.
light call downThis guy was fishy and seemed to have some bluff in him. I know that some fish lead with their top pair hands here, but not all of them. I decided to call down here getting good odds with all the draws missing and he showed me air. I think it's important to note that a lot of these guys have a lot of randomness in them so one shouldn't try to delve too deep into their minds to avoid self-levelling.
If you've come this far you may wonder how I managed to lose 9 buy ins...here we go.
dudeCan't really complain about this spot. We were 120 big blinds deep, but when you move up in stakes it is important to realize that hand values go up in stealing spots so I'm commiting myself pf by reraising. I think villain definetly overplayed TT here and I don't like his reraising size as he is commiting himself with a lot of bluff hands without necessarily knowing it.
moveThis villain was reraising light a lot so I decided to put a move on him on a good board. This happend to be one of them, sadly enough villain had the nuts here. Definetly a high variance spot though. I did the maths on this situation today and I'm pretty sure it's plus ev given the right dynamics.
set theorem anyone?I think the Beluga Theorem commands me to muck my hand on this turn, but I didn't know villain that well at this point and a lot of logical sets were unlikely plus I had top two and the turn card only completed a gutshot straight draw. I decided to commit to my hand on the turn and villain showed me the unlikely 66.
marginalThis is definetly the most questionable play of mine today. Villain was 26/22/4 and calling my bets light. It really doesn't make much sense for him to lead with anything decent here. I decided I had fe and outs so I shoved. He snapped with the second nuts. I guess he levelled me in this hand and I have to give him credit.
big drawI flop the straight and flush draw and just stick it in. Bit of an overbet in retrospect, but I was playing a couple of tables and just stuck it in. It's good in a way, because it gives higher flushes bad odds to draw. Villains call is horrendous, because my range is crushing him. I have a feeling a reraise may have gotten him to fold, but you never know with these guys.
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 55.051% 54.14% 00.91% 536 9.00 { 6h5h }
Hand 1: 44.949% 44.04% 00.91% 436 9.00 { Kc6d }
read playMy read on this guy was that he leads weak and is capable of firing multiple barrels. My read was correct, but he backdoored me. I interpreted the river as a good card in this context, because it made it less likely he actually had a hand.
oopsI must admit that I thought he lead into me multitabling (I might play less tables next session) but the way the hand actually played out my play wasn't terrible. I see him cbetting here often enough for my semi-bluff to show a profit.
AAVillain takes a very fishy line and folding here is out of the question, especially with the backdoor nfd. He happens to show up with a hand and I miss, but this will definetly be a high ev spot for me long term.
OkI think my play here is ok, I think the flop and turn play is fairly standard. On the river I check to induce bluffs from missed draws and if you check to induce you need to pay off the bet. I'm not sure his stats actually converged with my assumption that he'd bluff a missed draw, but I was putting him on a missed draw and played accordingly. Again my read was correct, but villain hit an out to beat me.
Turned second setI actually considered folding this river, because this villain was very very nitty. His hand looked alot like QQ and AJ to me, but I wasn't sure if he was capable of raising KQ and QT for value here so I decide not to make a hero fold. I think the way my games play I'm fine with calling here as the edges I am pushing are not as tiny as they may get at higher stakes, I just couldn't find the time to fold here, but definetly not a nice spot to be in.
More setsVery standard cooler, with my equity against their ranges I need to snap call and hope to hold up.
Sucked inIs what I got in this hand. I feel his insta min flop bet can be air a draw or a J. I just couldn't find a fold with all the draws and the fact that I had position, but it could have been the better play. As played I think the turn call is fine and the river was more of a potodds/keephimhonest/figureouthowheisplaying call.
I will try not to post my entire session. These were the biggest pots I played for the day I feel confident with my play in the majority of those hands, but I think I'll post one or two in a forum to get some second opinions. I'll take a break now for the rest of the day and try and come back refreshed tomorrow. As it stands I'm down about 2k for the month, nothing too tragic.
I'll be back!