Getting owned a bit, but playing well for the most part. I didn't expect to maintain 10ptbb/100 over the entire month anyways. The good thing about me losing again is that it gives me more motivation to do better and play more. I'm down about 1.8k @ 3/6 for this month which nothing really, but I decided to play some pure 2/4 till I reach 9k again and then take some more stabs.
Cheers to Dodgy for taking the time to look at some of my tougher 3/6 hands.
I've figured out a way how to post hands from iPoker using Holdem Manager, you have to copy all the xml files to a text file and then upload it as a sinlge session on weaktight and you get an output of the hands you want. Here are some of my 2/4 hands:
preying on weakness
This hand is a pretty standard spot, a weak and fishy player leads out on a dry board. This was the third time he did this to me. The first hand I raised him and he folded. The second time I raised him he called, I hit my hand on the turn, small lead/raise/call, and followed through on the river and he folded. I decided that I'd just keep on applying the pressure but when he calls again, even though I pick up outs I decided it was better to try and hit getting ridiculous odds.
I think this hand was questionable, villain was opening a lot of hands from late position and I figured I could get him to fold out a lot of over cards that were in his range. I felt obliged to follow through on this turn since he can be calling with a lot of one pair hands and small pps and maybe even some a high hands, because of the wheel draw. Given the way he snap shoved this turn I feel he flopped big.
muppet # 1
Not much to say about this guy, I was commited to the pot so I tried to get the money in. Not a super +ev spot I thought at first, untill I saw his hand.
This guy was a big fish and a big station. I think I need to check and fold this river. There is a small chance villain might play a hand like T8 this way, but I think his range his heavily weighted towards flushes here. Especially against weaker players I can find a lot better spots.
Just kinda frustrating when you have AA against a big fish and he hits, but it won't be profitable for him and that's why I think it's important to muck here.
This was an awkward spot against this reg. His lead doesn't really make any sense as a bluff, because this flop hits my perceived UTG range pretty hard. It's pretty unlikely he has a set here, JJ at best and I think a check raise extracts more value here with JJ. I am in pretty bad shape if he has Ahxh here, drawing close to dead, but I didn't think it made a lot of sense given his pf play. AQ is a possible hand he can have here too I guess aswell as aggro played TT. I think if I raise here I should raise slightly bigger to lay myslef better odds to call a shove. All in all not a great spot, but I ran well in the hand and I think villains preflop call is pretty bad. I don't really like calling on this flop , because I don't think villains range is strong enough to give me value on later streets and I raise a lot of my strong hands here so it's hard to rep a strong range by calling and floating. A fold seems weak here, I'm open for input on this hand.
Somewhat I guess, if he is reraising JJ here he shouldn't be folding imo. It's also an awkward spot for him to be in with JJ, but I don't think he can fold this against my image preflop and I don't like calling pf. I know some regs smooth call here, but I don't see too much value in doing so.
I decide to smooth call my AJ vs a wide openers btn range. I don't like reraising here with the stacks and I think you should either fold or call pf. Postflop I am in a weird spot as I do not want to build the pot so this is a spot where I think pot control>hand protection. Unluckily I get an overcaller who at this point I put on quads or a flush draw. On the turn I think I am ahead against the villain betting small almost always so I call again, but we get reraised and I find an easy fold.
very thin
I contemplated for a long time whether I should bet here or not. I knew if I bet it I'd have to fold to a raise, I almost think I need to check it down here, because it is unlikely he can call me with much here the way the hand played out. I kinda felt obliged to put in a bet here, I am not sure about my play.
just bet
I think it is the best play here unless against a weak player that will bet his entire range here when checked to. My check doesn't make too much sense here as I think I am betting almost all the time on the flop and it will get checked back a lot from a villain that has air as he will think I am up to something. My reasoning for checking at the time was that I am trying to put in the last bet with drawing hands to maximize the profitability of playing them. Anyway he checked back I pick up a lot of outs on the turn so I go ahead and rep a slowplayed strong hand. Villain calls and on the river I think I need to follow through as his line doesn't include a lot of strong made hands and I think I can fold out a lot of middle pair type hands or missed draws maybe. I also picked up some timing tells, my read was right villain was weak on the flop and turn, but he hit.
messed up hand
This hand played out weird. UTG was very tight and SB didn't reraise much for the most part. The timing, the small reraise seemed so suspicious to me that I decided to call which I think is reasonable given my read. The flop gets a bit icky. Typically this is a reraise to allin without much thought, but I was still very worried about this hand. I felt I could make a correct tight fold on a later street so I called. Villain didn't really think long before shoving the turn and I really thought I was behind here, I don't see him shoving air or JJ, 99.
Well this was an interesting spot. Out of position this is a fold, but I had position and I was getting 3-1 to call on a rainbow board. The downside was that I had a one card striaght draw and the implied odds are low as we all know. I decide to call hoping to get value from set hands and maybe a two pair hand. After he check calls the turn I am putting him on a set that he is not capable of folding. He thought a while before calling the river and I was very very surprised about seeing AA. This player even seemed fairly reasonable. I don't know what he put me on that he thought he was ahead of. His turn and river play is very poor and I also think if he is limping AA to balance his open limping range he should be reraising with air and monsters instead of limp calling.
i like
These are the kinda guys you want to have sitting at your table. Slowplays JJ pf (can be reasonable at times obv), check and minraises drawy boards, gives you freecards, leads weak on the river and doesn't fold to a raise.
It's pretty easy to tell from talking to you that you think about the game easily well enough to beat 3/6. Just keep firing when you feel ready and you'll beat it soon enough. Remember that poker is super swingy, especially the higher you play, so losing 5-10 BI when you move up isn't uncommon.
Yea, thx Dodgy for the support.
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