Petrol is really cheap in Dubai, I believe we paid about 30 euro cents per litre. Which is nothing compared to the 1.50€ we pay in central Europe.
Most of the people there are very wealthy and I saw a very high rate of upper class vehicles. I'd see atleast a dozen Porsche's each day and then the occasional Enzo, Gallardo etc..
The only "poor" people are the workers, which consist mainly of Pakistanis and Indians. There are also some Asian immigrants.
There are no taxes in Dubai which naturally makes everything a bit cheaper, but you have to be carefull where you shop, because some places have high prices relative to the fact that they don't pay taxes.
Driving in Dubai is like madness, 50% of the cars are Jeep size or bigger and we were driving around in our rental Ford Focus Limousine so we didn't have maximum road respect. Sometimes people will just try to push you away by cutting into you.
There are speed limits now, but people will still drive very fast in areas that are known not to be controlled. Up to 2 years ago there were no speed limits.
I'm lucky to have had an appartment available to me from my friend whom we were visiting and who works in Dubai.
All together with shopping, flight, food and everything I'd guesstimate I paid about 1k euros which I think is very reasonable considering where I was.
These were just some random impressions with no specific chronological order. I really have so much to say about Dubai that I'm not going to bother writing a whole blog entry about this matter :P. If you have any questions AIM me or something.
Below are some pictures I selected from my stay. The guy im sitting next to with the hookah is the guy I was staying with. I may add some more pics at a later point.
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