This is my month up to date. I'm on a pretty sick heater over my last 4k hands as you can see. The rest of the month has been very swingy, but I managed to keep in the green all long.
I think a 23 BI heater is probably the biggest I've been on so far. I do think it is justified though given the amount of 80-20s I was losing. In the end everything is variance.
I spoke to Matt today about our hand bet and we agreed to call it off. I'm slighlty ahead of him, but we're both with family friends and having to play poker isn't optimal for me right now.
I think the bet fullfilled it's purpose though, we both put in a lot of hands (by our standards) which is great.
Since I've been in the UK I've been 4 tabling mostly, because I played on my mother's computer and she only has a 19" screen. I'm not sure it made much of a difference in winrate for me, but you definetly have enough time to think about hands and how you could have played them better, which is great.
I think I'll take it easy for the rest of the month since I don't have to play anymore. I'm thinking of getting in some nl100hu hands when if I decide to play. Basically to continue with my 5k hu challenge and work on my HU a bit.
When jan starts I'll jump straight into 2/4 with a healthy bankroll and reasurance in my game.
I'll also be getting xdsl and a new desktop computer with a second 20" screen.
I think at times I wasn't playing my A game, because my hardware tilted me. Somehow I've always managed to have computer's w/ compatability problems. This mainly due to the fact that I always try and get PC's that fit my needs and are not extravagant, but this time I'll try and aim a bit higher than the minimum. I'm looking into a medium-class PC and not an office PC. High-end is a bit over the top for me imo.
I've been watching a lot of comedy lately here on SKY television, I like comedy cause it helps me unwind from poker. A lot of people don't think playing poker is difficult (in a draining sense of way), but it is. The higher you play and the more you think about the game the more it is like studying and you constantly need to focus and be on the top of your game.
Anyways I saw this show called the Sarah Silverman show which is easily one of the most bizzare things I have watched so far. From what I understand main actor is playing an altered version of herself. One that has no shame whatsoever and says whatever comes to her mind.
It's a different sense of humor in a positive way. You guys should check it out and tell me what you think.
2 hands I thought I might share with you:
Pot of the Day
I was contemplating reraising pre, but decided not to. Villain is a reg. He was running @ 18/16 at this point. I had a tight image, but for some reason villain decided I was weak here. I got it in 80-20 and managed to win the flip ;). He must have been putting me on some weaker draw.
I guess the J and the T on the flop let him believe that I was less likely to have a set here and waited my range more to hands that he had FE against. His turn timing was interesting as he made a very quick check raise.
I make a good read
This hand was tricky. I knew I had played with villain before, but my HUD hadn't uploaded yet (when you play with HUDs a lot you tend to start relying on them too much, my bad I guess).
This was my first hand at the table so I tried to use the information I had at hand. I didn't even want to 3-bet pre, because I didn't know how villain would play postflop, but my hand figures to be ahead of an average CO player's range, plus there was potential dead money in the pot so I raised it nonetheless.
Basically I picked up some key timing tells that lead my poker instincts to tell me that I was good here and I guess this shows just how strong timing tells are with weaker players.
This was quite a long blog , I hope you all had nice Xmas dinners.
Take it easy.
And RTR hasn't been hacked, they sent an email a couple of weeks back and it's just something they're testing, so it's all good.