This is my graph for my last 3k hands. As you can see I recovered from my 9 BI downswing within a short period of time. 9 BI is definetly one of my larger down swings in my career so far, but it can happen and you can also play perfectly and lose 12 BIs or play poorly and win 5.
Basically what I am getting at is that poker is a game of high variance and you have to be aware of this at all times. Imo it's crucial to have the correct mindset when playing. Always favour making +ev decisions over winning $ and don't get frustrated when things don't go your way.
Also don't make short term monetary goals. I honestly don't understand people who make prop bets over who can make more money in a given time period on a specific limit, because assuming that both players are of equal skill, play the same amount of hands and never tilt, it's negative ev gambling, because you'll be relying on luck to win the bet (I guess you could argue about this, if say both players were to play 100k hands, but I think you get my point).
I think this is also something to think about in terms of bankroll management. I believe I practice very good bankroll management and always have. I started off with a 15 BI rule and right now I am at 45. It definetly requires a lot of discipline to play 15 BIs well, assuming you don't want to busto. I wouldn't advise people who think they can easily tilt not to consider using this for obvious reasons.
If I were to start a new career from nl 2 like I did originally I'd most likely follow a 25 BI rule till I hit nl 100 and switch to 30-40 from then on.
I've played my 5k hands on 1/2 and I could move up to 2/4, but I am not sure if I want to do this right now. I'll prob wait untill january and give it another shot. Even though I am not playing with scared money large $ swings may effect my mood and it's christmas after all :).
HERE you can find my biggest hand for the day. When he checked to me I thought it was pretty apparent I had the best hand, but I was a bit worried about being check raised valuebetting so thinly. I thought about this for a second and I realised this is a good spot to bet to induce a check raise. It took villain 4 seconds to shove on me and I'm glad my play worked out. He obviously thought I wasn't repping much, but he wasn't either ;).
I have played some hands with that guy to, he preys on weakness big time. NH.
It was pretty funny, because I snapped his shove. I am thinking if I should bet the turn though and check behind on the river, but then I wouldn't have all his monies :P.
wow nice rivercall.. I would have folded :(
But you are right what is he representing here?
anyway isaac u are my rolemodel if it comes to go through variance like a man :)
If I get some bad beats in the future again I will show it to you and you will give me the magic word "variance".
And iam back in buisness stronger than ever :P
That's great Kauz and thanks for the compliment.
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