Decided to try and add more pictures for eaziness of reading. As you can see the session turned out well. Had to quit early though, because I had a slight headache which sucks cause I am behind in the hands bet, but I should be able to balance this out once uni finishes at the end of the week.
On to some hands:
1.41k pot
I think this is my biggest pot so far in my poker career. I did think before sticking it in as my opponent was a fairly reasonable player. He claims to be a PLO player that plays NLH because the games are so good. I was able to narrow down his range to a point where I felt confident enough in my hand to reshove. Imo with a player behind him he should be inclined to play sets fast on this board as well as KJcc for the combo although going for an overcall with a weak player behind isn't that bad of a play. It's very unlikely he is peeling the naked gutshot. I also 3 barrelled villain out of the last hand we played so he could be frustrated at me. Given all these factors I felt confident in reshoving and I was a bit surprised at villains holding, I thought his range was more polarized towards draws.
After this hand villain was constantly berating me saying how bad I was and how much luck is involved in NLHE, not very classy. He also claimed that he was constantly outplaying me, he went on and on which was slightly frustrating, but I think he will be a profitable player in the future.
Easy money
This guy was playing really bad. Raising 35% of his hands and never folding to a reraise. If the flop comes one over card I am not folding.
Value betting
At first I felt like shoving here, but wanted to make it look like I could have a bluff so decided to raise. Imo his line looks a lot like air or a J and these guys don't like folding. I don't even think it's that thin since these guys call worse a lot.
I don't think he has a K here too often and there are a lot of draws on board. I think it's important to think about a comittment decision on the turn. WIth a higher kicker it's probably a no brainer.
I really don't like my flop check here. My first thought was I check here to mix up my range between the times when I check fold so that villain can't steal relentlessly, but a) this guy was passive and b) this guy's a donk so I am levelling myself by mixing up my range here.
On the other hand
I like my play here. Similar idea to the above hand but makes a lot more sense given the stack sizes and my hand.
Board: 5c 2c 8c
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 49.798% 49.80% 00.00% 493 0.00 { AcKs }
Hand 1: 50.202% 50.20% 00.00% 497 0.00 { TcTh }
Interesting that I am not a favourite here in this hand, I think it's due to the fact that villain can make a set and negate my overpair outs, but nevertheless I got it in well and have FE against a lot of 1 pair hands.
Had a lot of decisions when this hand occured. Pretty standard in retospect for 50 bb, not much I can do. It was just one of those spots where I had a weird feeling before hand. Must have been villains bet sizing that gave me that feeling. I purchased a book called "blink" which discusses how we subconciously process certain situations and this must have been one of them. Villain was 35/16.
this was bad
Flop raise was too small. This happens to me quite often when I move up in stakes. 84 looks like a large amount but in reality it isn't, 104-120 is far better here. On the turn I call getting 2.55-1 needing 3-1 to hit my boat. My plan was to lead all in if I filled up figuring he was commited with a flush.
I really hate calling off large bets with draws, but I'll rarely be drawing dead in this spot so I think it is ok. But really I am mad about my betsizing on the flop.
Comments on turn play are welcomed.
Not much I can do here given the stack sizes.
looks spewy
But I had a read and played the hand accordingly. Basically this was shortly after the hand I played where I took down the 1.41k pot against the same player. In my opinion there was a decent chance he was tilting and so I didn't want to get raised on the flop and throw away the best hand. I figure he is capable of 3 barreling here given my flop check and he played the hand well. In future I'll be less inclined to think this player tilts bad as all his plays seemed reasonable after the pot, he was just berating me a ton in chat and generally fluking about NLHE players and that PLO has way more skill etc..
Hands like this make for interesting plays based on history though.
my friend jr
His pf call shows how little respect he gives me which surprises me, but is something that I can use to my advantage. Jr plays all the stakes from NL 200 to NL 3k from what I've seen so far.
From my perspective his river call was bad, which I can't go into too much detail on because I'd be giving away too much information, but I can understand the call from his perspective. I levelled myself in this hand, because Jr doesn't give my enough credit. I expect some interesting battles between Jr and myself in the future and I'll surely be reviewing his game to otpimize my play vs him.
I think I could have played this hand better by two to three barrelling him here. My line represents to narrow of a range and I think betting the turn generates more FE against his approximate range.
All in all I think 2/4 is still very beatable. It'll take more hands before I fully adjust to the stakes/regs, but I feel confident and am lucky enough to have had a good start so far.
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