Yesterday I finally decided which notebook to get for Vegas. I decided against a Macbook Pro, not because I don't like it, but because I just don't feel comfortable with paying literally twice as much as for any other notebook out there that can do the same or close to it. So I'm getting an Acer Aspire 6920g, which set me back 1350€ compared to the 2500€ for the MBP. It's a 16:9 multimedia notebook with a high res 1920*1080 (1080p), 4GB ram, Core 2 Duo T8300 and Nvidia 9500 GMs. I must admit I'm not all too familiar with these components, but the notebook did pretty well in tests from sites that I trust, so it should be good.

looks great. good luck for your upcoming 24/7 week :P
I'm actually gonna try avoiding grinding too much, but if I can play around 2k hands a day, I'll be happy.
Let's see how it goes, because the Party Poker software is also faster than the software I'm used to.
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